Human Design - Generators

In a previous post I went over the different types in Human Design, but today I’m going to go a little further in depth into one of my faves - GENERATORS!

You guys make up roughly 70% of the population (well, technically about 35% and Manifesting Generators the other 35% - but basically 70% of the world are these Generating energy types!)

A Generator is your TYPE; it’s the way in which you energetically are within the world. Because you are a Generator, you have your own internal energy source - you got the energy within you - YAY!

As this Generator type, your aura is super sparkly and lovely and excited when you’re doing the things that you are lit up by! We need you in the world because you are the literal creators of energy! When you are doing the things that most light you up then you are actually creating energy and putting that sparkly energy into the world. It’s why it's so important to have 70% of you in the world - the other 30% of us are relying on your energy to create this world!

A Generator type is happiest when they are doing the things they are lit up by and only then do you create this energy in the world. If you are doing things you think you “should” or aren’t really lit up by, you are not actually creating any energy - and instead are depleting your own energy - kind of a lose-lose for everyone, so that’s why it’s so important to follow those things that light you up!

Our society can condition us to think we need to do the things that are hard - or that the things that come easily to us aren’t meant to be looked at - but that’s just SO wrong for all of us - including Generators.

So, you lovely Generators, you are supposed to do the things that light you up - but HOW do figure that out you ask? Well, read on lil Genny (I just made up that endearing term for Generators - you’re welcome).

Each Type has a Strategy, which is the best strategic way for each type to harness their energy and communicate with the energy of the world around them. For Generators, that Strategy is: To Respond.

Hokay, so.

You are meant To Respond.

As a Generator it is not necessary for you to be initiating things all the time – you are waiting to respond to what feels good to you and when you are doing something you love (and therefore are MEANT to) your Sacral center (i.e. your gut) will light up and you’ll be like yesssss this feels great, imma keep doin it. And that is exactly how you’re supposed to live your life.

The point of this strategy isn’t to wait around and do nothing though, it’s more of a “heads up” that you don’t need to just sit down in a quiet place and try to think up “what am I gonna do with my life?” - nope! Instead, you are supposed to just keep following the things that light you up and as you move throughout the world, the universe will just keep bringing you things to respond to! You’ll just keep finding that things show up for you and you gotta follow those breadcrumbs and follow that feeling of excitement and satisfaction.

Satisfaction is the signature of a Generator living their best life - when you have the feeling of like, sh*t yeah, I’m loving what I’m doing and I could do this forever, that’s a good lil Genny sign.

You should also be aware though, the “Not-Self” theme for Generators is Frustration. This means that for Generators, when you are feeling frustrated perhaps it is time to look at what you are doing and whether you are doing something that lights you up (likely not). Frustration is the Generators’ red flag that you aren’t livin’ yo best life.

Basically what is happening is, you have this Sacral center full of energy inside of you, and your mind tells you it’s an endless well of energy, but it LIES! Lol. What I mean is, your gut is just sitting there like, ‘yeah, we got a lot of energy in here, but we also don’t have endless energy, so we’ll use it strategically’. Your gut is smarter than your mind – and why you are meant to listen to your gut/Sacral center as it knows best how you are supposed to use your energy in this world.

SO if override your gut feelings to things, or start initiating things before your body has waited to respond to them, you will incorrectly use this Sacral energy center/be doing things your sacral does not have the energy for. THIS is what leads to the frustration of energy - your body is like “hey girl heyyyyyyyy, sooooo, thought we discussed we actually DON’T like doing this and don’t have energy for this????” and you override it and go, “whatevs body, my mind says I SHOULD do this” and then your body is like “kayyyy, well eff you then, we out. Deuces.” And then your body stops flowing all that sparkly Generator energy in an effort to conserve what it can for basically, survival.

The best Generators feel excited by what they’re doing and are using up all that internal energy each day - then they go to sleep feeling satisfied and wake up the next day ‘rebooted’ with another internal energy reserve ready to go.

So Genny’s - listen to that gut. It will tell you what’s up. Your gut will respond to what lights you up and what you are supposed to be doing.


Because you’re listening and responding to the gut, you need to be given choices. The Sacral Authority needs a yes/no or either/or question to respond to. You need to give the gut a choice – NOT an open-ended question. Because that’s not how a Sacral/Generator works! The world is supposed to present choices to you and then you listen to the body’s responses to choose.

So, even like - where do you wanna go for dinner?

Uhhh… Generators can sometimes have a tough time answering that - that’s too open ended!

You gotta ask like, do you wanna go for tacos or pizza or pasta? And your lil Gen gut will respond - whatever you’re lit up by is the correct answer for you!

So get out of the mind and listen into the gut lil Genny’s and let yourself respond to all the exciting things in the world around you!

Hope you all enjoyed this info! I will have more posts on the other energy types coming up soon :)

And if you’re interested in knowing your type, or knowing more about how to live your best design and your unique chart (again this is just the very tip of the iceberg, SO much more info in each individual chart), please reach out/book a session or intro call to see if we’re a good fit!

Cheers friends!