The 5 Human Design Types

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am OBSESSED with Human Design - I love it SO much!

I’ve always been in love with Psychology - I took all the classes I could in high school and all my electives in university were Psychology. I actually almost decided to stay in university and get a second degree in Psychology to go along with my Marketing degree (which realistically, is just the business term for psychology). So it’s safe to say that I’ve always been a nerd for human behaviour and when I learned about Human Design I fell down the rabbit hole ;)

For me, Human Design explains my energy - and obviously energy has always been important to me (hi, Reiki), even if I couldn’t put my finger on it yet.

Human Design is a system that brings together the principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. We need the exact time and location of birth to pull up your chart and it tells us each our own unique design. Our human design helps us understand the way we energetically interact with the world around us and creates a deeper understanding into our unique genetic makeup and best ways to use our energy and resources.

When I first learned about my type (I’m a Projector btw) so many things made sense to me - so many things fell into place, and it felt like someone was explaining myself to me - it was explaining these innate traits and ways of being that were so true, but many that I had been conditioned to believe weren’t right (mostly just because it wasn’t how the rest of the world works).

Because of how much it resonated with me I started diving into other people’s charts and I can’t get enough! I always want to know everyone’s “type” around me. And I want to share this information with anyone else that may be interested!

There are SO many parts to your human design chart, every piece of information is a contributing factor to your makeup – and just like Astrology, the deeper you dive into this, the more information you realize there is to learn.

Also like (pop) Astrology that focuses on your Sun sign (Scorpio, Aquarius, etc) – basic Human Design knowledge sorts us into a type (i.e. Generators, Manifestors, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors) and may leave it at that.  But again, there are so many more parts to our Human Design than just our types.  Since it’s easy to get lost in the details and overload on the information, for our purposes I will start with explaining the basics of the charts :)

PLUS Human Design states that if you simply live your life according to your type and strategy, you are living your life to its fullest and using your energy correctly, so the rest of it (and the rest of your chart) will come naturally to you.

So here’s a super quick overview of the types and how the world is supposed to work in harmony with all these types.

We have:

1.       Generators

2.       Manifestors

3.       Manifesting Generators

4.       Projectors

5.       Reflectors

Generators: Make up roughly 35% of the population and Manifesting Generators (a sub-type of Generators) make up another 35%, meaning the world is made up of 70% Generators.  This is important because Generators are considered the “worker bees” of our society – but not in a ‘slave’-like way – instead, the Generators are meant to be following what lights them up and then they are unstoppable.  They are the creators of the world and have the ability to build and create with their own energy source. They use their own internal energy source to create and the world is built on the Generator energy.

Manifestors: Are believed to be the “old” version of leading the world and are relatively rare nowadays (they only make up 8% of the population).  It’s believed that most world leaders (and royal families) of past were Manifestors – easy to believe when you learn the strategy of the Manifestor is To Inform.  They will start and inform what needs to be created, but generally leave the actual creation and building to Generators (who have their own energy source) since Manifestors do not have the consistent internal energy to create and build.

Manifesting Generators: are a kind of more recent hybrid of Manifestors and Generators, so they embrace a little of both energy, but generally tend towards being Generator-like.  They are the ones that will get the idea, inform, and start the project (Manifestor energy) and build and create, until they no longer feel lit up by it (Generator energy) and then move onto the next idea that comes through and lights them up!

 Projectors: While Manifestors are the “old” version of leading, Projectors are believed to be the “new” leaders of the world.  Projectors have an innate ability to understand people almost immediately and therefore have a gift to understand and guide people.  So while Manifestors were here To Inform, Projectors are here to guide.  Projectors do not have their own sustainable energy to rely on and instead pick up on the energy Generators have created and are meant to guide the energy types to live their best life and thus creations.  Projectors make up roughly 20% of the population and supposedly the most harmonious relationship is for a Projector to find a Generator that they can swap energy by being around, while also giving guidance to the Generator on the best ways for them to move forward.

Reflectors: The rarest of the types – making up only 1% of the population.  They are completely open – meaning they have no energy of their own and completely rely on/take in all the energy of the world around them.  Their purpose in the world is to be an exact reflection of the world around them – the idea being that, if say we were living in a group of 10 people, we’d be looking to that one person to see how we’re doing.  They are like the barometer with which we can measure our progress.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for Human Design information, but stay tuned as I will have posts coming up soon digging into each type!

Wanna know your type? Sign up for my newsletter and I’ll walk you through how to DIY! Or reach out to me and I can do it for you :)

In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to me with questions, follow me on Instagram @iamthefairone or sign up for my newsletter to stay updated on posts and get some extra Human Design goodies!