Human Design - Projectors

Ahh Projectors, where to start?

I don’t mean to pick favourites, but Projectors are (one of) my fave types because it’s ME! :)

When I first learned I was a Projector, SO MANY things made sense to me.  The unsustainable energy, the burnout and magnification of energy, the knowing of people and being able to read people very well...

First off, it’s important to note that Projectors are only ~20% of the population (compared to the 70-80% of the world made up of Generators/MGs).  And as the “newest” type, this means that the world is not made for Projectors – it’s been built by Manifestors and Generators. 

As one of the non-energy types, this means that we do not have our own internal energy source - we are not the creators of energy.  Instead, we are meant to “feed off” the energy of the world around us.  We are meant to be the guides of society - the guides of the energy of the world.

We have specific gifts which allow us to be the best guides for society. For one, our auras are piercing which allows us to know people right away; we see things that others may not. 

This differs from a Generator aura which is all-encompassing, loving, welcoming, sparkly and excited! It’s why when a Generator is lit up and loving their life, their aura is creating this wonderful, loving energy and we can’t get enough!

We Projectors, on the other hand, have a piercing aura; it’s our gift to be able to see into the other so clearly. This is because we are meant to see efficiencies, we are meant to see what others do not, so we can aptly guide energy. This also means that we do best when we are one-on-one with people and can sometimes find large gatherings overwhelming for long periods as we’re overwhelming our system with information. Furthermore, the piercing aura can feel intimidating to those who don’t want to “be seen” - so it’s important to note that if you make people feel uncomfortable or have people say you are intimidating, just know you are standing in your power - but you can maybe back off them for a bit ;)

But, while we are the guides of society, we are supposed to only give our guidance, gifts, advice to those who ask for it.  Because of this, the Projector strategy is TO WAIT FOR THE INVITATION.

When you think about it, we have this limited energy source within us anyways, so it’s basically like we have this information and guidance to offer, but we only really want to use our energy on giving it to those who actually GIVE A SHIT about it!  Otherwise, if we start giving unsolicited information, the energetic exchange means that you could come across as a know-it-all and will definitely feel that energetic bounce back. And we feel bad that our guidance isn’t appreciated (because another thing about us Projectors is that we LOVE to be recognized for our guidance position in the world). 

As a guide for energy (instead of a creator) we are actually meant to work 2-3 hours/day.  No, this doesn’t mean we can’t work a 9-5 job, it just means that we do best when we’re only sharing our gifts and outputting 3 hours a day - the rest of the time we spend honing our skills, researching our area of expertise, etc.

When we say that a Projector is one of the ‘non-energy’ types, it means that we do not have the internal energy source like a Generator does - we do not have the Sacral center defined (this is where the internal energy source for Generators/MGs comes from).

Wherever anyone has an open center, this is where you are more open to the world’s energy around you, conditioning from the world, and also can magnify the energy from around you. Since we can take on this energy and magnify it, this means that Projectors can become ‘Super Generators’ for a time, because we take on all this Generator Sacral energy from around us and multiply it.

We are meant to use and magnify this energy in short spurts, create efficiencies, etc. But it’s not sustainable for long… because it isn’t OURS.  And therefore, if we try to be these ‘Super Generators’ for too long, all of a sudden we burn the eff out.  Crash.  And burn.  Hard. 

That is why it is SO important as a Projector to take space, decompress from all the energy in the world around you.  Take a time out, take a nap, take a break, and even it’s suggested for Projectors to sleep alone (at the very least one/two nights a week) because as we know, our sleep is our body’s best time to decompress from the world.

Projectors see systems differently so the life path of a Projector is to find that one thing that you see so uniquely and pursue that.  Just because we are To Wait for the Invitation doesn’t mean we sit around doing nothing, it means that we pursue those things that we see so differently and we can’t get enough of, we put it out into the world, we feel it in our bones how we possess this knowledge and then our aura basically does a bunch of the work for us… we just stroll around knowing we have all this knowledge and then someone is like “hey! You seem knowledgeable and legit, I’d like to invite you to share your knowledge with me!”  And then we’re like HELLS YEAH BABY!

It’s basically like this “lack” of energy is our superpower – we’re like ‘I see all you Generators with your beautiful energy just running around, that’s great, but thanks for inviting me to tell you how you can do it better and more efficiently”.  We’re all about the EFFICIENCY of energy.

But again, we have to WAIT for those invitations and recognition for our gifts and guidance, otherwise we end up bitter and resentful.  So yeah, as you can guess, the Projector’s Not-Self theme is bitterness, while our Signature is success.  In other words, when we’ve been properly invited and recognized for our contributions we are extremely SUCCESSFUL (boo ya baby!), but when we’re misusing our energy we feel bitter.  And really, since we have limited energy anyways, ain’t nobody got time for that!   

This ‘not-self’ theme of bitterness is essentially our red flag that something is off in life - as a Projector, when we feel that bitterness towards someone, something, etc. - it’s really an opportunity to look at the situation and ask yourself why? Is this person experiencing some success that I as a Projector wish to bring into my life? Am I not being recognized for my gifts? Have I been giving unsolicited advice?

It’s interesting because a Generator has more of an internal feeling of Satisfaction, they feel in their gut that they are living their life right - but a Projector has a more external validation! We experience success when we are living our life in alignment :) I find that quite fun!

So, fellow Projectors, wishing you (literal) success and I hope you learn to take it easy on yourself, we don’t need to keep up with the Generator’s and MG’s of the world - recognize your innate gifts and unique perspectives, because I do believe that we need this more than ever.

(On that note - super side note/fun fact: Barack Obama is a Projector. So is the Queen of England. Cool, right?! We in good company.)