Human Design - Manifestors

Ah the Manifestors.  The most misunderstood of all the types.  What can I say about you that you wouldn’t want to hear about yourselves? Lol

Manifestors in my opinion are the least likely to want to receive guidance – and this is because they energetically are meant to INFORM rather than be informed.

I have a few Manifestors in my life and almost all of them have the same experience with Human Design – they like it in some ways, it does interest them, but they also don’t love being told who they are.

Plus there’s a lot of weird/hurtful language and examples around Manifestors (which is hilarious since the man who brought Human Design into the world was a Manifestor!)

Interestingly enough I think it’s because a lot of the Human Design information I’ve experienced lately is coming from Projectors, which I love. But we see things through our lens of the world as well.

And Manifestors have had a whole ass other experience with the world.

They are used to dictating it.

They are meant to direct it.

They are meant to use their voice and actions and urges to create ideas and give life into the world.

They are meant to inform people of their actions – and if you’re here for the ride, great.  If not, see ya.

Even though they can give off the tough exterior like they don’t care either way, Manifestors can also be the most prone to wanting to people-please.  Many times that’s because growing up they were conditioned that maybe they were too much for people, so they had to play small.

They have the repelling or selective aura – so they’re only meant for their people. Literally Manifestors are not meant for everyone.

Jenna Zoe gives a great analogy for Manifestors – a Manifestor will be on a train platform informing people, “this is my train, I am taking it to Amsterdam.  If you’d like to get on the train and come with me, great.  If not, no worries, there’s another train.”

That’s it.  It’s that simple. 

And that can be hard for Manifestors too.  Because they might think they want everyone to come with them, or they might have been conditioned to try to figure out where everyone is going and try to be all the things or go all the places.  Nope.  You just be you Manifestor.

I mean, that goes for all of us.  But really the Manifestors of the world are just meant to follow their own urges and then inform everyone around them of what’s to come.

They’re not taking advice from others, they’re not waiting for their gut to light up.  They just GO.  They just get that urge and INFORM and follow the beat of their own drum. No more, no less.

Classically, most royalty have been Manifestors – back in the day the royals in the castles would dictate how the world was, what they’d love to see be built or performed, etc.  And then, say, a Generator would actually do the creating and building of it.

Ideally that’s how the world would work – Manifestors could bring the idea into reality, then they gather all those Generators on a platform that get lit up by the idea and they’ll hop on this train to make this into a reality.

But also, Manifestors just want to be left to their own devices.

Projectors are the new leaders of the world.

Nowadays, Manifestors just want peace.

That’s their signature after all – they want to experience peace.  I believe the saying “they just want to be left in peace” is meant exactly for a Manifestor.

Now, I’m not about to tell a Manifestor how to be, because that’s just not how this world works (and they’d hate it lol). 

Really all I want to do is just let you know that you are meant to follow those urges, rest in between, inform people of what you’d like to see happen, let those people show up for you that are on your same page, leave the rest.

You don’t need to convince anybody.

And you don’t need to do it all by yourself.

That’s a big one too.

While you as a Manifestor might have the urge come through, you are meant to inform, but you don’t likely have the energy just by yourself to create it into reality. You might feel like you have the ideas, but lack the follow through.

That’s because Manifestors have an open Sacral. So while your energy is coming from Source you can feel lit up by all these urges coming through. However, a Generator-type actually carries that energy in their body in their Sacral centre. Yours is open (like the Projectors and of course, Reflectors, of the world). 

So make sure you take rests when you need.  That open Sacral can mean you take on energy around you and can work hyper-speed for a while, but don’t let it fool you into thinking you want to keep up that pace forever and all the time 24/7.

You deserve rests.

You deserve a break.

You deserve peace.

You aren’t meant for everybody and that’s a good thing – so stop trying to be for everybody.  Stop trying to convince anyone.

If you’re feeling anger, that’s your red flag of you’re off track – and peace is the sign you’re on the right track.

Let yourself lead, but also let yourself be alone and in peace if that’s what feels best and natural.

Follow those urges and energetic bursts and downloads – inform them, let them out into the world.  Know that the ones that are meant to be on your train will find you and know you can just leave the rest behind.  They’ll find their own place in the world too.

Jenna MacIntyre